Ebola: If not WHO, Who Will Issue Travel Restrictions Now?

The following reports at Quartz (QZ.com) ask the tougher questions that journalists should about the current Ebola outbreaks in Africa, and the implications of a symptomatic on a flight to Lagos, Nigeria, a city with many, many international flights:

Why Ebola Reaching Nigeria’s Largest City is a Whole New Level of Scary

35 Countries a Flight Away from Outbreak Zones

The professionalism and discipline required for passenger screeners to prevent Ebola from hitching rides on airliners is next to superhuman. Only barring non-essential passenger air travel from airports in countries with outbreaks will do the job.

Extreme measures are warranted with a disease as devastating as this. This is a new Ebola strain, and is not fully understood as yet.

Prevention is the only acceptable approach. Reactionary thinking will aid the virus in spreading, and in spreading, give it time to infect new animals, enter new vectors, and mutate in carriers.